Soul Mentoring sessions
Something from within is calling for your attention. Something from your depth is seeking for the essence, the very truth, the deep meaning, the liberation, the inner abundance. It is calling you to embark on a journey of unearthing hidden treasures: your gifts, your ability to self-heal, your unspoken capacity to transform yourself, your wondrous individual potential to contribute to the world.
Having this in mind, you might be both excited and scared, both allured and overwhelmed. This is the perfect combination. In the Greek language, the words ‘challenge’ and ‘invitation’ come from the same roots (‘proklisi’ and ‘prosklisi’ respectively). Simply because every challenge embeds and invitation, and every invitation engenders a challenge.
Will you take the challenging invitation to respond to your inner calling?
Soul mentoring sessions hold a safe space where you can share your story and be guided to initiate the transformation you are longing for. They are an opportunity to be aware of both the challenge and the invitation and to pursue on what is best for you.
The purpose of soul mentoring session is not psychotherapy, although the whole process is indeed very therapeutic. The goal is neither to quiet the symptoms nor neglect what is wounded. Instead, the intention is to support you to reconnect with your own, inner and outer, resources. By feeding on them, you can deepen your journey and pursue your quest for transformation.
My approach is not to tell you what to do. There is somebody who is much more specialized in you than me and that’s your inner great source of wisdom. Most of the people are surprised by this capacity of theirs. My work is to create a sacred space where this wise inner voice is heard and invited to guide you.
For whom: For any of you who is above 18 years old and is curious to transform their life.
How: Keeping a confidential tone, I will be offering you deepening questions, experiential activities, stories, poems, meditation journeys and invitations to respond to your calling resourcefully.
Where: The soul mentoring sessions can take place online or outdoors in Athalassa’s park, if you are located in Cyprus.
When: The sessions last for 1 hour. After expressing your interest for soul mentoring, we will find a time that is suitable.
Dare to take the first step towards your transformation!
“One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began, (…)
determined to do
the only thing you could do —
determined to save
the only life that you could save”
“The problem in most situations is not a lack of calling, but a fear responding to a call”
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us”